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Informative Writing Differentiated Lessons

Informative Writing Differentiated Lessons

Do your students ever say, “I don’t know what to write!”? Many students struggle with how to communicate in writing...until one day it clicks...because an effective teacher showed them step-by-step, how to develop and organize ideas, and how to construct purposeful, coherent writing.

In this packet, all the preparation for differentiated instruction for average and above average learners, for English learners, and for special education students is done for you. There are ten complete lessons, 65 pages.


The models and sentence starters may be copied, or they may be reworded. This scaffolding provides the foundation that precedes creativity, and upon which creativity is built. Once students have internalized the framework for writing, when they are ready, they can then produce pieces that are more creative.


    Simply email me the name of the lesson you need. I will email you the pdf. I will not use your email for marketing. I'm here to share my 19 years experience in the elementary classroom, not to make money. What I ask in return is if you would become a member of my site and leave me a comment on one of my blog posts. Thank you! EMAIL:

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