At the beginning of the school year, before you get into the routine of the curriculum, it's welcoming and enjoyable to do easy classroom activities that help you learn about your students. One activity is to invite students to write bio poems about themselves. To facilitate students' writing, it's helpful to them if you provide a template and a list of words as well as a model.
Here is an example bio poem:
Child of Len and Laura
Who is smart and thoughtful
Who loves horses and dogs
Who wonders about life in other countries
Who fears spiders and worms
Who feels happy when she is dancing
Who cares about the cleanliness of the earth
Who wants to be a doctor
However, the best model to show your students is the bio poem you write about yourself.
Here is a packet containing a planning page for the kids to write their first draft, a final draft page, and a list of adjectives to choose from.
You can use the kids' poems along with their photos to decorate the classroom.